CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION (CPR) is an essential, life- saving technique used in many emergent situations.
CPR is used when a person has stopped breathing and/or their heart has stopped beating. The sudden cardiac arrest victim will be unresponsive and unconscious and needs a bystander to act immediately by initiating CPR. Chest compressions and mouth to mouth rescue breaths manually pump oxygenated blood throughout the body to protect the brain and vital organs until a normal heart rhythm can be restored, usually through the use of an AED. Anyone
can be a life saver, please consider getting CPR certified today!
Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death
in adults over 40 in the U.S.
SUDDEN CARDIAC ARREST occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating which compromises blood flow to the brain and vital organs. Initiating CPR within minutes can be the difference between life and death! Sadly less than 30% of
out of hospital cardiac arrests receive bystander CPR. By performing CPR you have the opportunity to triple the victims chance of survival. In three out of four cases the victim will be your loved one. Many times sudden cardiac arrest victims seem perfectly healthy with no history of heart disease or any other risk factor. Someone can stop breathing and/or
be in cardiac arrest from the result of structural or electrical disorders in the heart, heart attacks, severe allergic reactions, ingesting drugs or chemicals, near drowning, strokes, chocking, a tramatic injury, severe electrocution,
serious infection etc.
Over 320,000 out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrests occur annually.
Sudden cardiac arrest is not the same as a heart attack. A HEART ATTACK occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked, usually due to a build up of plaque in the coronary arteries.
About CPR

An AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR (AED) is safe and easy to use. An AED is a voice prompted device that sends an electric shock to the heart, attempting to restore the hearts normal rhythm. This device will only deliver a shock if it is necessary. You simply open the AED and it will talk you through step by step instructions.
Recommendations for CPR include:
• Check responsiveness
• Get help
• Call 9-1-1 and send someone to grab the AED
• Remember CAB: Compression, Airway, Breathing
Compressions: Push hard and fast on the center of the victims chest. If you are NOT trained in CPR, perform chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute ( to the beat of staying alive) until signs of movement or the emergency medical team arrives.
If you are CPR trained, provide 30 chest compressions. Check the unresponsive victims airway
and continue with 2 rescue breaths if necessary (30 compressions : 2 breaths).
Airway: Head tilt, chin lift to open the airway
Breathing: give mouth to mouth rescue breaths
Continue CPR until the emergency medical team arrives.
Although BOTH compressions and rescue breaths are still considered to be the most effective method when initiating CPR
in children in sudden cardiac arrest (30 compressions to 2 breaths), Hands- Only CPR (with just chest compressions, at a rate of 100 -120 compressions per minute) has been proven to be just as effective as CPR with breaths in the treatment
of adults in cardiac arrest.
Contact us, your local Fire Department, the Red Cross or the American Heart Association to become CPR certified.